I hope you've all recovered from your pack ripping hangovers. I know I haven't, but I like to be drunk on the smell of fresh Ginter wax about 360 days out of the year. Those other 5 days are the ones leading up to the following year's release to detox from the aging Ginter. While Topps Allen and Ginter is like a fine wine and gets better with age, in order to properly enjoy the new vintage one must cleanse the palate and mind.
Unless there are discounted blasters on sale for $12 a pop at Target. In which case all bets are off.
I figured I'd come to you with an update for Gint-A-Cuffs VI and a few thoughts I've been having.
1) Favorite Player and Teams have been opened for declaration. Some of the contestants' declarations are obviously no surprise. I mentioned an earth-shattering announcement. Announcing the Ginter Godfather's Favorite Player for Gint-A-Cuffs VI... Buffy the Yankeevampire Slayer's very own...
You're probably going "Big whoop, whatever, GiGo, you suck at math, you're going to lose for sure." Maybe. BUT HOW CAN YOU NOT GET EXCITED OVER THAT FACE!? Besides, I'll pull a Felicia Day auto, a Felicia Day relic, a Felicia Day base card, a Felicia Day glossy 1/1, a Felicia Day mini, a Felicia Day A&G back mini, a Felicia Day black bordered mini, a Felicia Day A&G flag back mini, and a Felicia Day wood 1/1 mini, and who will be laughing then? Myself and my army of Felicia Day cards as we set up an epic campaign of Dungeons and Dragons, thats who.
OK, so I realize the unliklihood of ACTUALLY pulling a full sized Felicia Day out of my box of Ginter, but if they miniaturized her, then hey, anything is possible, right?
Also, my declared Favorite Team is the Washington Nationals.
2) Production is down, hits will be up. Big, big hits are bound to result in some of the highest Gint-A-Cuff scores ever seen.
I'm not talking about necessarily having people pull DNA relics or cut autos (though I wouldn't put it out of the question...) but with roughly 1:6 boxes having a RIP card, and in general the hits and rarer cards being more plentiful due to fewer boxes for them to hide in, people are going to be hitting some GREAT stuff in their boxes. I can't recall how many RIP cards we saw pulled last year, but I'd say at least double that. I pity the people like myself whom are doomed to have a below-average box... I mean, that other Ginter Godfather guy who is going to continue to have below-average boxes. Not this one, no siree, nothing but blue skies, RIP cards and 1/1's abound for this guy!
3) I've already seen what was pulled out of most of the case my allocated Gint-A-Cuffs box was from. Derek Jeter RIP Card 1/25 (not pulled by me, of course), red ink auto of Danielle Kang, red bordered minis box topper pack, Urban Fauna, and possibly either another RIP card or a Double RIP card. At any rate, it is NOT looking too good for the GiGo this year. Ah well, never say never!